Key Policies and Regulators

Overview of Key Policies

Disclosure and Transparency Policy


Silent Period

QNB observes a silent period a week before expiry of the quarterly period and until announcement of that quarterly financial statement and in case of convening the Board for discussing the quarterly financial statements, the period extending from the date of the invitation to convene the Board and until the actual convening of the Board. During this period, representatives of QNB will not meet with financial media, analysts and investors. QNB’s silent periods are presented in the IR calendar.




Qatar Central Bank

Please Visit: http://www.qcb.gov.qa/English/Pages/Default.aspx


Qatar Financial Markets Authority

Please Visit: www.qfma.org.qa/English/pages/default.aspx


Qatar Stock Exchange

Please Visit: www.qe.com.qa


Please visit above websites for all the latest regulatory updates and news.


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