Financial Tools

Loan Calculator

Please enter loan amount
Please enter no.of months
Please enter years
Please enter grace period
Please enter interest rate
Please select loan date

Loan Summary

Loan Amount {{loanAmount | currency:""}} @ {{interestRate}}%
Loan Date {{loan_Date}}
No. of Installments {{installments}}
Installment Amount {{getPLCalData.installmentAmt | currency:""}}
First Installment Date {{getPLCalData.firstDate}}
Last Installment Date {{getPLCalData.lastDate}}
Last Installment Amount {{getPLCalData.lastInstallmentAmount | currency:""}}
Total Interest {{getPLCalData.totalInterestAmt | currency:""}}
Total Loan Amount {{getPLCalData.toalloanAmt | currency:""}}

Loan Schedule

No. Date Balance Principle Installment Interest Cumulative Interest
{{resPLCalData.sno}} {{resPLCalData.sheduleDate}} {{resPLCalData.opening_balance|currency:""}} {{resPLCalData.inst_installment|currency:""}} {{resPLCalData.inst_principle|currency:""}} {{resPLCalData.inst_interest}} {{resPLCalData.closing_balance | currency:""}}

* Rates are for information purpose only and are subject to change without notice. You should confirm current rates with your relationship officer or branch before making any transactions that could be affected by changes in the rates.

Saving Plus Calculator

Please enter loan amount

Savings Plus Summary

Deposit Amount {{getSavData.depositAmt | currency:""}} @ {{getSavData.interestRate}}%
Total Maturity Amount {{getSavData.totalMaturityAmt | currency:""}}
Annual Interest {{getSavData.annualInterest | currency:""}}
Monthly Interest {{getSavData.monthlyInterest | currency:""}}

* Rates are for information purpose only and are subject to change without notice. You should confirm current rates with your relationship officer or branch before making any transactions that could be affected by changes in the rates.

Fixed Deposit Calculator

Please select start date
Please enter deposit amount
Please select frequency

Fixed Deposit Summary

Deposit Amount {{getFixCalData.reqAmount | currency:""}} QAR @ {{getFixCalData.interestRate}}%
Total Maturity Amount {{getFixCalData.totalMaturityAmt | currency:""}} QAR
Total Interest {{getFixCalData.totalInterest | currency:""}} QAR
Total Number of days {{getFixCalData.noDays}}
FD Maturity Date {{getFixCalData.maturityDate}}

* Rates are for information purpose only and are subject to change without notice. You should confirm current rates with your relationship officer or branch before making any transactions that could be affected by changes in the rates.

Exchange Rates against Qatari Riyal

Code Currency Name Cash Buy Rate Cash Sell Rate Remittance Buy Rate Remittance Sell Rate
{{resExchData}} {{getExchQAR.currencyDesc[$index]}} {{getExchQAR.cashBuyRate[$index]}} {{getExchQAR.cashSellRate[$index]}} {{getExchQAR.remBuyRate[$index]}} {{getExchQAR.remSellRate[$index]}}

* Rates are for information purpose only and are subject to change without notice. You should confirm current rates with your relationship officer or branch before making any transactions that could be affected by changes in the rates.

* All currency quotes displayed above are represented in "Direct Quotation method" i.e. number of units of home currency (QAR) per 1 unit of the foreign currency

* "Buy" and "Sell" columns above are pertaining to the rate at which the bank buys or sells the currency displayed in the currency code column.

Exchange Rates against US Dollars

Code Currency Name Cash Buy Rate Cash Sell Rate Remittance Buy Rate Remittance Sell Rate
{{ resdataUSD}} {{getExchUSD.currencyDesc[$index]}} {{getExchUSD.cashBuyRate[$index]}} {{getExchUSD.cashSellRate[$index]}} {{getExchUSD.remBuyRate[$index]}} {{getExchUSD.remSellRate[$index]}}

* Rates are for information purpose only and are subject to change without notice. You should confirm current rates with your relationship officer or branch before making any transactions that could be affected by changes in the rates.

* All currency quotes displayed above are represented in "American Terms" i.e. number of units of US dollar per 1 unit of the foreign currency

* "Buy" and "Sell" columns above are pertaining to the rate at which the bank buys or sells the currency displayed in the currency code column.

QNB Rate

"QNB Rate" shall mean the rate corresponding to the Lender's base lending rate for Qatari Riyals, as determined and published from time to time by the Lender.

  • As of December 15th 2016, QNB rate has increased by 0.25%p.a from 4%p.a to 4.25%p.a
  • As of March 16th 2017, QNB rate has increased by 0.25%p.a from 4.25%p.a to 4.5%p.a
  • As of January 1st 2018, QNB rate has increased by 0.25%p.a from 4.5%p.a to 4.75%p.a
  • As of April 23rd 2018, QNB rate has increased by 0.25%p.a from 4.75%p.a to 5%p.a
  • As of September 27th 2018, QNB rate has increased by 0.25%p.a from 5%p.a to 5.25%p.a
  • As of August 1st 2019, QNB rate has reduced by 0.25% p.a from 5.25 % p.a to 5 %p.a
  • As of 26 September 2019, QNB rate has reduced by 0.25% p.a from 5 % p.a to 4.75 %p.a
  • As of March 5th 2020, QNB rate has reduced by 0.25% p.a from 4.75 % p.a to 4.5 %p.a
  • As of 1st of April 2020, QNB rate has reduced by 0.50% p.a from 4.50 % p.a to 4 %p.a
  • As of June 16th 2022, QNB rate has increased by 0.25%p.a from 4%p.a to 4.25%p.a
  • As of 28 July 2022 QNB rate has increased by 0.25%p.a from 4.25 %p.a to 4.5 %p.a
  • As of 22 September 2022 QNB rate has increased by 0.25%p.a from 4.5 %p.a to 4.75 %p.a
  • As of 03 November 2022 QNB rate has increased by 0.5 %p.a from 4.75 %p.a to 5.25 %p.a
  • As of 15 December 2022 QNB rate has increased by 0.5 %p.a from 5.25 % p.a to 5.75 % p.a
  • As of 23 March 2023 QNB rate has increased by 0.25 %p.a from 5.75 % p.a to 6 % p.a
  • As of 04 May 2023 QNB rate has increased by 0.25 %p.a from 6 % p.a to 6.25 % p.a
  • As of 19 September 2024 QNB rate has decreased by 0.5 % p.a from 6.25 % p.a to 5.75 % p.a

Interest Rates for {{resProdCode.prodName}}
Currency Name From Amount To Amount Rate Duration
{{resQNBRates.curr_name_eng}} {{resQNBRates.from_amt}} {{resQNBRates.to_amt}} {{resQNBRates.rate}} {{resQNBRates.duration}}

Currency Converter

Please enter amount
Please select from currency
Please select to currency


Rate used :




* Rates are for information purpose only and are subject to change without notice. You should confirm current rates with your relationship officer or branch before making any transactions that could be affected by changes in the rates.

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