QNB Group Sustainability Policy and Related Disclosures
QNB has defined a Group-wide sustainability strategy and policy, which have been developed in alignment with national and international standards and guidelines. Given the rapid evolution and developments of sustainability and ESG standards, QNB Group aims to adopt and apply internationally recognised best practices, standards and frameworks, once established in the market.
Our Sustainability Policy is driven by other QNB Group policies, position statements, guidelines and management plans that have been established to implement sustainable business practices.
- QNB Group Sustainability Policy
- QNB Group Board of Directors Charter
- QNB Group Articles of Association
- QNB Group Corporate Governance Manual
- QNB Group Code of Ethics and Conduct
- Conflict of Interest and Insider Dealing Statement
- QNB Group Human Rights Statement
- QNB Group Whistleblowing Statement
- QNB Group Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) Policy Statement
- QNB Group Financial Crime Statement
- QNB Group Sustainable Finance and Product Framework (SFPF)
- QNB Group Environmental and Social Risk Management (ESRM) Policy Framework
- QNB Group Third Party Supplier Code of Conduct
- Modern Slavery Act Statement (UK)
- QNB Customer Service Charter
- QNB Privacy & Security
- QNB Privacy Notice Supplementary Information
- Risk Management and Internal Control
- QNB Group Tax Statement
- QNB Group Occupational Health and Safety Statement