Mortgage Finance

Buy property in England and Wales

Thinking of investing in the UK property market? Then take advantage of the UK Property Mortgage service from QNB.

Mortgage Finance Features:

  • Available on freehold and leasehold properties

  • Available to QNB First members only

  • Attractive interest rate

  • Mortgage amounts starting from GBP 250,000

  • Simple and efficient service

  • Real estate advice from our globally renowned real estate partners

  • All properties in England and Wales


  • Copy of original national ID/passport

  • Proof of income and/or source of loan servicing and repayments

Terms and conditions apply

Loan Calculator

Please enter loan amount
Please enter no.of months
Please enter years
Please enter grace period
Please enter interest rate
Please select loan date

Loan Summary

Loan Amount {{loanAmount | currency:""}} @ {{interestRate}}%
Loan Date {{loan_Date}}
No. of Installments {{installments}}
Installment Amount {{getPLCalData.installmentAmt | currency:""}}
First Installment Date {{getPLCalData.firstDate}}
Last Installment Date {{getPLCalData.lastDate}}
Last Installment Amount {{getPLCalData.lastInstallmentAmount | currency:""}}
Total Interest {{getPLCalData.totalInterestAmt | currency:""}}
Total Loan Amount {{getPLCalData.toalloanAmt | currency:""}}

Loan Schedule

No. Date Balance Principle Installment Interest Cumulative Interest
{{resPLCalData.sno}} {{resPLCalData.sheduleDate}} {{resPLCalData.opening_balance|currency:""}} {{resPLCalData.inst_installment|currency:""}} {{resPLCalData.inst_principle|currency:""}} {{resPLCalData.inst_interest}} {{resPLCalData.closing_balance | currency:""}}

* Rates are for information purpose only and are subject to change without notice. You should confirm current rates with your relationship officer or branch before making any transactions that could be affected by changes in the rates.

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